I am working with fl_charts
in flutter and can't seem to fill in the spots
array with continuous data. My data is continuously coming from Firebase's Realtime Database and I tried to set the state of an array equal to elements of type FlSpot
as seen below.
var temp_arr = [];
setState(() {
for(int i = 0; i<tempList.length; i++) {
temp_arr[i] = FlSpot((i*1.0), double.parse(tempList[i].humidity))
Then when I tried to do this spots:temp_arr
final LineChartBarData lineChartBarData2 = LineChartBarData(
spots: temp_arr
I would get an error saying it can't find the range. Do you think I am close or is there a better way to fill our graph with dynamic data?
I found out how to feed live data. And am currently working on how to fix the range.
List<FlSpot> gatherWeightData(){
List<FlSpot> spotWeightList = [];
List<FlSpot> removedSpotWeightList = [];
for (int i = 0; i < weightList.length; i++) {
spotWeightList.add(FlSpot((i * 1.0), double.parse(weightList[i].hive_weight)));
if (spotWeightList.length >= 19) {
removedSpotWeightList = spotWeightList;
return removedSpotWeightList;
return spotWeightList;
Here we are creating a List of type FlSpot and adding in (x,y)
values needed, then I am having spots
equal to the method that is creating these lists.
List<LineChartBarData> linesBarData1() {
LineChartBarData lineChartBarData1 = LineChartBarData(
spots: gatherHumidityData(),