
Image Load based on state

enter image description here

I want to load an image based on the state which I am getting from API call. For example, if the API gives me '1', I want to load 1.png. Unfortunately I am getting the above error.

Here is my code

let img = info.WeatherIcon ? require(`../../img/icons/${info.WeatherIcon}.png`) : require('../../img/icons/7.png')
< Image style = {{ width:120, height:120}} source = { img } /> 


  • You can't use dynamic links. According to React-Native, all your image sources need to be loaded before compiling your bundle.

    So change your code as below,

    let img =
      info.WeatherIcon == "1"
        ? require("../../img/icons/1.png")
        : require("../../img/icons/7.png");

    then you can render your Image

    <Image style={{ width: 120, height: 120 }} source={img} />

    For more complicate example you can use condition as below,

    switch (info.WeatherIcon) {
      case "1":
        return require("../../img/icons/1.png");
      case "2":
        return require("../../img/icons/2.png");
      case "3":
        return require("../../img/icons/3.png");
        return require("../../img/icons/7.png");

    Hope this helps you. Feel free for doubts