
Is there a way to list all python virtual environments created using the venv module?

Conda allows me to list all virtual environments as shown here. The commands are:

conda info --envs OR conda env list  

I want to do that using pip. Does pip have any option to list all virtual environments created by me ? I have created a virtual environment on my desktop but I cannot figure out a way to list it along with the base environment.


  • No, not in an easy way.

    Python virtual environments created with venv, virtualenv and most other python-only virtual environments can be stored anywhere on the disk. And AFAIK they are not indexed, they are truly isolated (after all you can just remove venv directory and be done with it, you don't need to do anything special). They are also unmanaged by an environment manager. So that would require entire disk scan. Which potentially can be done (you can search for all Python executables for example) but is rather painful.

    It works with miniconda because miniconda manages other packages and files that it installs, so it places venvs in concrete path, e.g. /home/username/miniconda/envs/.