I tried to upload a directory with this command on Mac but could not work.
./azcopy copy ‘/folder1’ ‘https://company.blob.core.windows.net/SAStoken’ --recursive
What I get in return is this. What is going on here? Thank you.
[11] 36667
[12] 36668
[13] 36669
[14] 36670
[15] 36671
[16] 36672
[17] 36673
-bash: --recursive: command not found
[12] Done ss=bfqt
[13] Done srt=co
[14] Done sp=rwac
[15] Done se=2020-04-02T15:59:59Z
[16] Done st=2020-03-19T17:07:24Z
[17] Done spr=https
I see what the issue is :). Basically you would need to enclose your parameters in either single quote ('
) or double quotes ("
) however you are enclosing them in ‘
and that is causing the azcopy command to fail.
Please try something like the following:
./azcopy copy './folder1' 'https://account.blob.core.windows.net/container?sasToken' --recursive
This should work.