
Azure Azcopy for Mac Cannot Upload

I tried to upload a directory with this command on Mac but could not work.

./azcopy copy ‘/folder1’ ‘’ --recursive

What I get in return is this. What is going on here? Thank you.

[11] 36667
[12] 36668
[13] 36669
[14] 36670
[15] 36671
[16] 36672
[17] 36673
-bash: --recursive: command not found
[12]   Done                    ss=bfqt
[13]   Done                    srt=co
[14]   Done                    sp=rwac
[15]   Done                    se=2020-04-02T15:59:59Z
[16]   Done                    st=2020-03-19T17:07:24Z
[17]   Done                    spr=https


  • I see what the issue is :). Basically you would need to enclose your parameters in either single quote (') or double quotes (") however you are enclosing them in and that is causing the azcopy command to fail.

    Please try something like the following:

    ./azcopy copy './folder1' '' --recursive

    This should work.