I've tried to customize firebase in-app messaging to change layout of the messages, but I failed it.
I followed documents in firebase - https://firebase.google.com/docs/in-app-messaging/customize-messages but couldn't understand what it means. It's little bit confusing.
In documentation, it seems quite easy. First, write my own FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplay class and register this to headless firebase In-App messaging sdk.
I tried in 2 ways.
First, import firebase in app messaging display module in android studio project. But gradle error occured.
next, I tried to make my own in-app messaging display class, but also failed.
on my knowledge, I need more reference but I can't find it.
I need some help!
U Should create your own FirebaseInAppMessageDisplay class by implementing
FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplay, Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
InAppMessage Object will receive as a parameter in the DisplayMessage callback method
InAppMessage Object will consist of title, body,imageUrl,campaignId,campaignName
Using BindingWrapper u can create your own layout
Press Ctrl + N navigate to FirebaseInAppMessaging Display class for more reference (com.google.firebase.inappmessaging.display.FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplay )
For Reference