I have a project in which I am supposed to write the object into a CSV file. I am currently using ICsvBeanWriter for it but each time a new record is passed it writes the header as well. It creates issues when reading from the file.
Below are methods for reading and writing respectively:
public static ArrayList<communication> readCSV() throws IOException {
ArrayList<communication> fileText = new ArrayList<>();
ICsvBeanReader beanReader = new CsvBeanReader(new FileReader("products.csv"), CsvPreference.STANDARD_PREFERENCE);
String[] header = beanReader.getHeader(true);
CellProcessor[] processors = new CellProcessor[]{
new ParseDouble(), // Distance
new ParseDouble(), // Efficiency
new ParseDouble(),// fuel
new ParseDouble(),// total
communication com;
while ((com = beanReader.read(communication.class, header, processors)) != null) {
return fileText;
public static void writeCSV(double tripDistance, double fuelEfficiency, double costOfFuel, double totalCost) throws Exception {
// create a list of employee
List<communication> EmployeeList = new ArrayList<>();
EmployeeList.add(new communication(tripDistance, fuelEfficiency, costOfFuel, (Math.round(totalCost * 100.0) / 100.0)));
ICsvBeanWriter beanWriter = new CsvBeanWriter(new FileWriter("products.csv",true),
String[] header = new String[]{"TripDistance", "FuelEfficiency", "FuelCost", "Total"};
CellProcessor[] processors = new CellProcessor[]{
new ParseDouble(), // Distance
new ParseDouble(), // Efficiency
new ParseDouble(),// fuel
new ParseDouble(),// total
for (communication com : EmployeeList) {
beanWriter.write(com, header, processors);
I would like a way in which it either skips writing or reading the header or create method that deletes all the header rows(skipping the 1st row).
This is the error that appears:
org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvCellProcessorException: 'TripDistance' could not be parsed as a Double
These lines of code create a header:
String[] header = new String[]{"TripDistance", "FuelEfficiency", "FuelCost", "Total"};
I guess you can just remove them from you code.