I am doing a network metaanalysis. This is my data:
# A tibble: 29 x 5
study mean std.dev sampleSize treatment
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Geeta_Gulati 60.8 4.75 30 Beta_blocker
2 Monica_Samuel_Avila 63.9 3.8 96 Beta_blocker
3 Georgakopoulos 63.3 7.4 42 Beta_blocker
4 Kaya 63.8 3.9 27 Beta_blocker
5 Elitok 64.1 5.1 40 Beta_blocker
6 Jhorawat 63.9 8.56 27 Beta_blocker
7 Nabati 57.4 7.52 41 Beta_blocker
8 Beheshti 61.1 3.39 30 Beta_blocker
9 Pituskin 61 4 31 Beta_blocker
10 Abuosa 59.2 2.8 116 Beta_blocker
# … with 19 more rows
data <- structure(list(study = c("Geeta_Gulati", "Monica_Samuel_Avila",
"Georgakopoulos", "Kaya", "Elitok", "Jhorawat", "Nabati", "Beheshti",
"Pituskin", "Abuosa", "Cochera", "Geeta_Gulati", "Georgakopoulos",
"Dessi", "Pituskin", "Janbabai", "Geeta_Gulati", "Monica_Samuel_Avila",
"Georgakopoulos", "Dessi", "Kaya", "Elitok", "Jhorawat", "Nabati",
"Beheshti", "Pituskin", "Abuosa", "Janbabai", "Cochera"), mean = c(60.8,
63.9, 63.3, 63.8, 64.1, 63.88, 57.44, 61.06, 61, 59.2, 61, 61.6,
63.9, 66, 59, 59.93, 60.3, 63.9, 66.6, 65, 57.5, 63.3, 60.82,
51.67, 59.3, 56, 58.2, 46.31, 60), std.dev = c(4.750654835504,
3.8, 7.4, 3.9, 5.1, 8.56, 7.52, 3.39, 4, 2.8, 3, 4.32922519093805,
7.5, 6, 6, 7.83, 5.03010511994542, 5.2, 6.7, 7, 5.6, 4.8, 11.28,
6.01, 4.29, 4, 6.6, 7.04, 3), sampleSize = c(30, 96, 42, 27,
40, 27, 41, 30, 31, 116, 30, 32, 43, 25, 33, 34, 30, 96, 40,
24, 18, 40, 27, 40, 40, 30, 38, 35, 30), treatment = c("Beta_blocker",
"Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker",
"Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker",
"Beta_blocker", "Beta_blocker", "Ace_inhibitor", "Ace_inhibitor",
"Ace_inhibitor", "Ace_inhibitor", "Ace_inhibitor", "Placebo",
"Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo",
"Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo", "Placebo"
)), row.names = c(NA, -29L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
I create my mtc.network object
network <- mtc.network(data.ab=data)
I want to evaluate consistency with node-spliting model (https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1167). But R shows this error. Any idea?
**Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
Incompatible methods ("Ops.data.frame", "Ops.factor") for "=="
Error in data[, "study"] == study :
comparison of these types is not implemented**
I have run the above commands using the most recent version of GeMTC (0.8-4), which was released to CRAN a few days ago, and it works for me. There were a few fixes rolled into the release, so it's possible that upgrading will fix this issue for you. If not, please share the details of your environment (operating system, R version, package versions).