
Microsoft Graph API equivalent of Set-UnifiedGroup HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled

I would like to show Teams created with Microsoft Graph API in Outlook.

Therefore, I need the Microsoft Graph API equivalence of calling the following PowerShell command:

set-UnifiedGroup -identity "id_of_the_group" -HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled:$false

Note that Microsoft Teams are hidden from Outlook by default, as stated here.

Found resources


  • In Microsoft Graph API, you should use the hideFromOutlookClients group property. (hideFromAddressLists may be relevant too, but setting hideFromOutlookClients to false also seems to update hideFromAddressLists).

    Note that changing this property requires the Group.ReadWrite.All permission, Directory.AccessAsUser.All or Directory.ReadWrite.All is not enough. (see also ErrorGroupsAccessDenied when setting hideFromAddressLists or hideFromOutlookClients)