I mistakenly deleted the entire PATH variable under System Variables. So I tried to add a variable named PATH explicitly, to the System Variable. But now whenever I try to add multiple PATHs, each PATH overwrites the previous one.
As you can see, instead of opening the list of paths, it just gives the option of one path. So I tried to append a PATH variable using command line.
setx path "D:\Softwares\MongoDB\bin" /m
It still overwrites the previous path. As shown, the Java path(from Screenshot 1) got overwritten by the MongoDB path.
How do I resolve this issue ? How do I add multiple paths to the PATH variable ?
P.S - I use Windows 10 (64 bit).
I have found the solution to this problem and posting this as a reference for anyone in future who deletes their PATH variable entirely.
Open run.(Press Window Key + R)
Type regedit.
Navigate through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> ControlSet001 -> Control Session Manager -> Environment
There will be a PATH variable. If not, create a variable and name it Path.
Enter all your paths each seperated by a semi-colon. For example - D:\Softwares\Java\bin;D:\Softwares\MingW\bin;D:\Softwares\MongoDB\bin;