
AirTable Formula

I am working on an AirTable. Essentially I am concatenating a series of cells with the end goal of generating a filename with the text in those cells. However, not all file names have the same attributes.

So if you notice in the formula bellow, if the file doesn't have a "DynamicSubitle" it will leave a double underscore. How could I avoid that?

Here is my formula:

CONCATENATE(Airline, "_", Trim, "_", Ratio, "_", Episode, {Language 1}, {Language 2}, {Language 3}, {Language 4}, {Language 5}, "_", {Dynamic Subtitle 1}, "_", Version, "_", {Mpeg Type}, "", Extension)

Thanks everyone!


  • It can be possible, but you have to write a complex if-else formula for this. Pseudocode, will be like first check for empty value if there is empty value don't concatenate else concatenate value with underscore. Formula will be like,

       IF(Airline = "","",CONCATENATE(Airline,"_")),
       IF(Trim = "","",CONCATENATE(Trim,"_")),
       IF(Ratio = "","",CONCATENATE(Ratio,"_")),
       ...all other values...,
       IF({Dynamic Subtitle 1} = "","",CONCATENATE({Dynamic Subtitle 1},"_")),
       ...all other values...