My end goal is to have the YouCompleteMe Pluggin for Vim. As a prerequiste I need my Vim to be configured for python3.
Previous when configuring with python I used the following command
./configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes
From searching it looks like the configure command for python3 is
./configure --enable-python3interp=yes --with-python3-config-dir=????
Unfortunately all the search results shows a pathway of /usr/lib/python3...
No such path exists for me.
I do have python 3, running which python3
results in /usr/bin/python3
How can I find the route to my python3 config dir?
I ended up downloading the latest python which was 3.8, then running which python3
which provided a pathway. Then I used that pathway in this command
./configure --enable-python3interp --with-python3-command=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3
Followed by
$ cd src
$ make
$ sudo make install
Over at ycm ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
$ ./ --js-completer