
Python removing special character from string not working

Yesterday I wrote a script which scraped a value from a webpage, and then removed two special characters ('.' and '€') from the scraped string, so it could then be converted to integer format. Today, nonetheless, the code isn't replacing the '€' sign.

The value I get from the webpage is '5.000 €', and to replace the two characters I use the code:

amt = driver.find_element_by_class_name('example-val').text
amt = int(amt.replace('.', '').replace('€', ''))

I have already tried using re.sub, without results:

amt = re.sub('.|€', '', amt)

I don't know whether this is the best approach to convert the string to integer format, but it's what I came up with.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated!


  • In a more simpler way try this:

    amt = driver.find_element_by_class_name('example-val').text
    for i in amt:
        if i in '0123456789':

    As a One-Liner:

    amt = driver.find_element_by_class_name('example-val').text
    amt = int( ''.join(filter(lambda i: i.isdigit(), amt)))
    amt = int(re.sub("\D", "", amt))