I have the following bit of code in OCaml:
let matchElement x y=
match x with
| (y,_) -> true
| _ -> false;;
and I'm getting a warning that the case _ will always be unused.
My intention was that if x matches a tuple where the first element is equal to type y, then it returns true, otherwise, it returns false. Do you know how to do this?
is actually the new name for what it is matched with, which happens to be the same name as y
. It is equivalent to:
let matchElement x y =
match x with
| (z, _) -> true (* A completely unrelated binding *)
| _ -> false;;
Where you can see that all values of x
match with the first pattern.
To do what you want to do, you can write this:
let matchElement x y =
match x with
| (y', _) when y' = y -> true
| _ -> false
(* Or equivalently *)
let matchElement (x, _) y = x = y