I want to install the "IBM HTTP Server for IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0" without the IBM InstallationManager just with an archive file.
I already downloaded the archive file 9.0.5-WS-IHS-ARCHIVE-win-x86_64-FP003.zip and just run the postinstall.bat and I cannot install it . So, Does anyone know how can install it?
This the message that get everytime i run this command
postinst: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain
name, using for ServerName
SERVERROOT_NATIVE=D:\Mohamed\Mohamed Nour\MohmedNour\Software\IBM WAS
SERVERROOT=D:/Mohamed/Mohamed Nour/MohmedNour/Software/IBM WAS ND/IHS
GSK7LIBDIR_NATIVE=D:\Mohamed\Mohamed Nour\MohmedNour\Software\IBM WAS
GSK7LIBDIR=D:/Mohamed/Mohamed Nour/MohmedNour/Software/IBM WAS
postinst complete
here when access IBM HTTP Server
and also after register IHS in Admin Console and created unmanaged node for remote
when am access application from WAS it success but not when access through IHS
and also updated the http.conf configuration like :
<IfFile plugin/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml>
LoadModule was_ap24_module C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\bin\mod_was_ap24_http.dll
WebSpherePluginConfig C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\config\webserver12\plugin-cfg.xml
and also web server created from console named webserver12
Just did what you want. This is the procedure:
Run postinstall.bat it displays the following:
postinst: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
postinst complete
ServerRoot "D:/install/WAS_90/IHS"
httpd.exe -k install -n IHS9A
if you dont have admin rights just start server with the httpd.exe
All done. Access your server via http://localhost
To federate to WebSphere App Server just follow usual instruction and provide your IHS unzipped folder as IHS install root.
To configure your plugin add the following lines to httpd.conf
, the plugin file for IHS is located in IHS\plugin\bin
. Example for Win:
<IfFile plugin/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml>
LoadModule was_ap24_module plugin/bin/mod_was_ap24_http.dll WebSpherePluginConfig c:/IHS/plugin/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
These lines were correct after unzipping the IHS, but you manually messed that up, pointing to non existing C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins
folder. While configuring IHS in WAS console you have to think and set the IHS home (eg. C:\IHS
) and Plugin home (c:\IHS\plugin
) correctly to the directory where you unzipped the IHS archive. This was already discussed here Archive Installation for “Web Server Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0” instead of IM