I'm using HDP 2.6.4 and am seeing huge differences in Spark SQL vs Hive on TeZ. Here's a simple query on a table of ~95 M rows
SELECT DT, Sum(1) from mydata GROUP BY DT
is partition column, a string that marks date.
In spark shell, with 15 executors, 10G memory for driver and 15G for executor, query runs for 10-15 seconds.
When running on Hive (from beeline), the query runs (actually is still running) for 500+ seconds. (!!!) To make things worse, this application takes even more resources (significantly) than the spark shell session I ran the job in.
UPDATE: It finished 1 row selected (672.152 seconds)
More information about the environment:
Only one queue used, with capacity scheduler
User under which the job is running is my own user. We have Kerberos used with LDAP
AM Resource: 4096 MB
using tez.runtime.compress with Snappy
data is in Parquet format, no compression applied
tez.task.resource.memory 6134 MB
tez.counters.max 10000
tez.counters.max.groups 3000
tez.runtime.io.sort.mb 8110 MB
tez.runtime.pipelined.sorter.sort.threads 2
tez.runtime.shuffle.fetch.buffer.percent 0.6
tez.runtime.shuffle.memory.limit.percent 0.25
tez.runtime.unordered.output.buffer.size-mb 460 MB
Enable Vectorization and Map Vectorization true
Enable Reduce Vectorization false
hive.vectorized.groupby.checkinterval 4096
hive.vectorized.groupby.flush.percent 0.1
hive.tez.container.size 682
More Updates:
When checking about vectorization on this link, I noticed I don't see Vectorized execution: true anywhere when I used explain
. Another thing that caught my attention is the following: table:{"input format:":"org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat","output format:":"org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat","serde:":"org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe"}
Namely, when checking table itself: STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat'
and OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat'
Any comparisons between spark and tez usually come to relatively same terms, but I'm seeing dramatic differences.
What shd be the first thing to check?
In the end, we gave up and installed LLAP. I'm going to accept it as an answer, as I have sort of an OCD and this unanswered question has been poking my eyes for long enough.