
Alternative to operator()() overloading? || Direct member access

I would like to wrap C types into a CPP class for better memory handling. For instance the below code snippet shows roughly what I would like to do:

class TJCompressor
        : m_tjInstance(tjInitCompress())
        if (m_tjInstance == nullptr)
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not create a TJ compressor instance");

    const tjhandle& operator()() const
        return m_tjInstance;

    tjhandle m_tjInstance = nullptr;

However, now I need to access the actual tjhandle through operator()() and I would prefer to get rid of this.

TJCompressor compressor;
tjDecompressHeader3(decompressor(), ... );  // works as expected
tjDecompressHeader3(decompressor, ... );    // preferred way of doing it

I am pretty sure that this is achievable but I somehow can't find anything about how to do it.


  • What you want I think is a conversion operator .... something that looks like

    operator const tjhandle & () const { return m_tjInstance; }

    you will then be able to call your function as

    tjDecompressHeader3(decompressor, ...)

    More information can be found here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/cast_operator