
Is this possible to send NFC signal from NFC read/writer to Iphone

I’m creating a mobile application that fetched data based on ID which generated on PC. I want to pass this ID as a text string from my NFC device which supports read and write to an iPhone device when the user touch on the NFC device. Is this possible? I’m using Acr 122u as an NFC device.


  • The short answer is it is not possible with iOS

    There are 3 basic modes of operation of NFC devices - Reader/Writer, Peer to Peer and Host Card emulation (HCE).

    iOS only supports Reader/Writer for developers (though HCE is used by Apple for their wallet stuff)

    Android supports Reader/Writer, Host Card Emulation and Peer to Peer (Up to Android 10 when it was removed)

    Most USB readers I've seen only support Reader/Writer.

    To use NFC without a real NFC Card

    Both devices must support Peer to Peer


    One must support Reader/Writer and the other must support Host Card Emulation.