
How to prettify dynamic code snippets in React?

I've looked into code prettifiers like google-code-prettify, beautify, etc. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get any of these to work in my React app. I am currently using react-ace to display dynamically populated code snippets, but they are only color-highlighted, not formatted.

Are there any simple examples of some way that I can get this to work in a React App? It doesn't have to be using Ace editor - that was sort of my hack to get the code displayed somewhat nicely.


  • Thanks for this question, you can use prettier to format the code. You may need to configure different parser based on the language or framework you are using.

    Here is a sample codesandbox for formatting JS code. Link:

    Code for the main file:

    import React from "react";
    import prettier from "prettier/standalone";
    import babylon from "prettier/parser-babel";
    import "./styles.css";
    export default function App() {
      const [code, setCode] = React.useState(`
            const a = "abc";
                    const b = 'a'
      const formatCode = () => {
        const formattedCode = prettier.format(code, {
          parser: "babel",
          plugins: [babylon]
      return (
        <div className="App">
            style={{ height: "100px", width: "100%", display: "block" }}
          <button onClick={formatCode}>Format Code with Prettier</button>

    Hope this helps!