
how to write dataframe in JSON in pretty print style?

I want to convert my dataframe to json and dump it in a file in a pretty print format. I tried -

df.to_json(r'C:\users\madhur\Desktop\example.json,'orient = 'index')

the above code is dumping in json but in a single line.

I also tried

import json
hello = df.to_json(orient = 'index')
with open(r'C:\users\madhur\Desktop\example.json','a') as f:

but the above code is giving a single line output the the output has a '\' before the double inverted commas.

the output looks like -

"{\"17668620_INCOLL\":{\"DRWECNTRY\":\"NEW ZEALAND........"

if some one has any suggestions, answers or need any more information regarding this query then please comment/answer.

Note - I'm using Python 3.6


  • you can directly pass indent = int :

    df.to_json(r'example.json', orient='index', indent=2 )