
Displaying files on the file server from frontend side (angular)

I have an angular application, this application works with a .net core api. The file upload process is uploaded to a file server over the selected files. However, it does not appear when I want to use this file on the front side.

I tried to send a request in the IP of the file server but it still didn't work.


file server path like this


When i called this path as below

<img src="//acdc/queen$/my_directory/spesific_file_name.extention" class="attahement__img" />


<a class="attahement__link" href="//acdc/queen$/my_directory/spesific_file_name.extention"><i class="far fa-file-word attahementlink"></i></a>


  • If you are using .net core on api side. You can serve static files as uploads that will be display with another folder or server

    Serve static files on .net core 3.1