
Laravel: custom array validation depends on previous selected value

Laravel version: 7.x

I have tested the code with hard-coded valid device_company_id (which is associated with the selected device) and it works fine.


|- id
|- company_id
|- title
|- ...

|- id
|- device_company_id
|- ...

Request data


    [devices] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [device_company_id] => 1
                    [device_id] => 2
                    [device_inventory_id] => null
                    [amount] => 
                    [refundable] => 
                    [description] => 




$rules = array_merge($rules, [
    'devices' => [
    'devices.*.device_company_id' => [
        'exists:device_companies,id,company_id,' . auth()->user()->id
    'devices.*.device_id' => [


I need a custom validation rule for the exists validator to validate if device actually belongs the selected device_company or not. Because I don't want anyone opening the inspect tool, change the value and causing the application an error or anything like that.


  • Here is the link where I found the reference

    My code:

    $rules = [
        ...other rules
    $newRules = [
        'devices' => [
        'devices.*.device_company_id' => [
            'exists:device_companies,id,company_id,' . auth()->user()->id
    foreach($data['devices'] as $key => $array)
        $newRules["devices.{$key}.device_id"] = [
    $rules = array_merge($rules, $newRules);

    Although, this code is working for me but I feel its not the proper way to do it. It feels kind of a way around instead of the proper solution. If anyone finds a better solution then please do post your answer.

    Hope this can be helpful for someone. Thanks :)