
XMLUnit-2 ignore certain nested XML elements

My XML is little complex and I've to ignore certain entry from the comparison, how would I able to achieve it ?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE ResourceObject PUBLIC "my_corp.dtd" "my_corp.dtd">
<ResourceObject displayName="TESTNGAD\AggUserFSP test" identity="CN=AggUserFSP test,OU=FSPAggeFrame,OU=unittests,DC=TestNGAD,DC=local" objectType="account" uuid="{97182a65-61f2-443c-b0fa-477d0821d8c4}">
       <entry key="accountFlags">
             <String>Normal User Account</String>
             <String>Password Cannot Expire</String>
       <entry key="homePhone" value="6555"/>
       <entry key="l" value="Pune"/>
       <entry key="memberOf">
       <entry key="objectClass">
       <entry key="sn" value="test"/>
       <entry key="st" value="MH"/>
       <entry key="streetAddress" value="SB ROAD"/>
       <entry key="title" value="QA"/>
       <entry key="userPrincipalName" value="AggUserFSP test@TestNGAD.local"/>

I tried

Diff diff = DiffBuilder
             .withNodeFilter(node -> !(node.getNodeName().equals("accountFlags") ||

But, it is not working. How should I ignore some XML entry here?


  • Neither "accountFlags" nor "homePhone" are element names, so my filter will not match anything.

    The NodeFilter must return true unless all of the following conditions are met

        private boolean filter(final Node n) {
            if (n instanceof Element) {
                final String attrValue = ((Element) n).getAttibute("key");
                // attrValue is th eempty string if the attribute is missing
                return !("accountFlags".equals(attrValue) || "homePhone".equals(attrValue));
            return true;