
Creating users in SMF from outside

I'm working on emedding SMF users into current website, and I need to make mechanism that will automatically register people afer their registration on website. Can anyway suggest me how I can do this, as far as I uderstand that's not possible to do with SSI?

thanks in advance, Michael


  • What version of SMF are you using? What website are you trying to integrate with?

    A commonly requested scenario is tying Wordpress to SMF. There have been several bridges built in the past, but they've been withdrawn due to license compatibility issues. However, if that's what you're looking for and you're running SMF 2 and WP 3+, take a look at this brand new mod, which will do what you're asking: Wordpress 3.0+ User Integration.

    Good luck! (And you'll probably get better help on the SMF support forums, which are very active, with a very helpful support team.)