
run-as package: not debuggable

I'm trying to extract the database file from my Android device (non rooted Exynos Galaxy S9 running One UI 2.0) and every time I open up Android Studio 3.6.2 -> Device File Explorer I get the message "run-as package: not debuggable".

This happens to every app I have in the list, not just the one i'm interested in.

Also, this issue persists with adb shell.

Can anyone help? (sorry if this has incomplete information or was posted in the wrong section)


  • If application is not debuggable then try with this add command once,

    adb backup -noapk <give your package name>

    it uses android's backup function. if it ask for a password then don't give any and click on "backup data". then you will get a whole apps backup on your system. unzip it and check for your db. I am not sure if this will work if there is allowBackup=false in your manifest.

    Try this command once.