I'm trying to write a generic repository module that can handle a varying number of keys
trait Repo[K, V] {
def read(key: K): V
trait DynamoDBRepo extends Repo[K,V]{
def aRepo[K:StringIdentifiable,V]() = new Repo[K,V]{
val dynamoDBClient = ???
override def read(key: K, tableName: String): V = {
val tableKey: String = implicitly[StringIdentifiable].identify(key)
dynamoDBClient.Table(tableName).get(tableKey) //(*)
@typeclass trait StringIdentifiable[M] {
def identify(id: M): String
(*) However, dynamoDBClient.Table(tableName).get(key)
can also take a tuple as a key (partition key and sort key).
Therefore, I want to somehow extract String from K or (String, String) from (K,K) from key:K override def read(key: K)
I first tried this to extract types from a tuple that implements a StringIdentifiable typeclass. I got stuck.
Then tried to rewrite a StringIdentifiable type class, that would return String when the argument was one key but (String, String) when the argument to the read was a tuple. But I was not able to use this method either.
How can I solve his problem without losing my abstraction
If requirements from the question are all requirements that you solution must fulfill, then shapeless, path-dependent types and type classes are not necessary at all.
sealed trait RepoKey[K] // TBH I am not sure if genericness here is even needed in your case...
case class SimpleKey(key: K) extends RepoKey[K]
case class PartitionedKey(partition: K, key: K) extends RepoKey[K]
trait Repo[K, V] {
def read(key: RepoKey[K]): V
class DynamoDBRepo(dynamoDBClient: ...) extends Repo[String, V] {
def read(key: RepoKey[String]): V = key match {
case SimpleKey(key) => ...
case PartitionedKey(partition, key) => ...
Even if you store your key as something else than String
, the only typeclass you would need, would be something like:
trait KeyExtractor[K] {
def extract(key: RepoKey[K]): String
which almost certainly wouldn't need derivation, but one explicit definition.