
Can I configure Dita-OT 2.1 to output only the topic.fo file and not the pdf

Is there a method when creating dita-ot 2.1 pipeline to only output the topic.fo and not go on to create the PDF?

Regards Conteh


  • As far as I know there is no such a parameter available by default. If you look in the ANT build file "DITA-OT/plugins/org.dita.pdf2/build.xml" there is a "transform.fo2pdf" target. I guess you could manually make changes to the build file in order to avoid calling this target from the "transform.topic2pdf" target.


       <target name="transform.topic2pdf" depends="copyCoreArtwork,transform.topic2fo,transform.fo2pdf"/>


    <target name="transform.topic2pdf" depends="copyCoreArtwork,transform.topic2fo"/>