I have an image a.png of size 800x600, and two images b.png and c.png of size 400x300 each. I want to montage (insert) the three images without size changes into a png image of size 800x900, such that a.png is at the top, and b.png and c.png side-by-side underneath.
How can I do this with imagemagick convert or montage?
Generate sample images, 1/10th the real size:
magick -size 80x60 -background red -gravity center label:"A" a.png
magick -size 40x30 -background lime -gravity center label:"B" b.png
magick -size 40x30 -background blue -gravity center label:"C" c.png
Now, you can load A, and inside parentheses, load B and C and place side-by-side as a new image, then append that result below A:
magick a.png \( b.png c.png +append \) -append result.png
Or, if you dislike the parentheses, you can join B and C side-by-side into a single image, load A, swap the order so A is at the top and then append the combined image below:
magick b.png c.png +append a.png +swap -append result.png
Note the distinction between:
meaning "append to the right", and -append
meaning "append below".Note that, in addition to +append
and -append
, there are the newer tools called +smush
and -smush
which do exactly the same but take a parameter which is the number of pixels to offset the appending. So if you do +smush 5
it will do the same as +append
but leave 5 pixels of background colour showing in the new gap between the images. If you use a negative offset, it will append in the same place but overlap the two images by the offset.
Here's an example, I make the background magenta and smush B and C with a 10 pixel gap. Then change the background to yellow before smushing the result below A with a 15 pixel offset.
magick -background magenta b.png c.png +smush 10 a.png +swap -background yellow -smush 15 result.png
If still using v6 ImageMagick, replace magick
with convert