
How to connect to oracle database using VBScript and UFT?

It seems the question on how to connect to oracle database from UFT/VBscript is asked on multiple forums. In most places, there are answers in bits and pieces, without any one detailed answer that helps user get this information.

I spent close to 6 days to get this working and thus I feel its worth to share all the detailed steps here. The main reason I found this for going wrong is a wrong combination of one or more of below:

When any one of the above is wrong, we get a range of errors depending on which driver, connection string and terminal we are using. I encountered:

Hope below answer will give you a step by step answer with references, and code examnples to try out your code and get this up and running for you.


  • Hope this helps and you can save a lot of time and energy in using oracle connection itself to build tests, than setting this up itself.