I'm working on a Laravel project and trying to seed the database by using model factories.
I have a Banners table and related BannerTranslations model to hold translated values. The project will have 3 languages. I'm trying to seed 5 dummy values into Banners table relating to BannerTranslations. In theory i expect 3 translation rows created for each Banner row, which should result 15 entries (3x5) to the BannerTranslations table in the end. But i get 45 entries instead. Each translation row is seeded 3 times instead of 1. I'm sure i'm missing something very obvious but i can't figure out what.
translation migration:
public function up()
Schema::create('banner_translations', function (Blueprint $table) {
//$table->unique(['banner_id', 'locale']);
use App\BannerTranslation;
use Faker\Generator as Faker;
$factory->define(BannerTranslation::class, function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'banner_id' => function (array $banner) {
return App\Banner::find($banner['id'])->id;
'locale' => function (array $banner) {
return App\BannerTranslation::find($banner['banner_id'])->locale;
'title' => $faker->sentence(2),
'spot' => $faker->sentence(2),
'body' => $faker->realText(rand(80, 200)),
'alt' => null,
and BannersTableSeeder:
$banners = factory(App\Banner::class, 5)->create()->each(function ($banner) {
$lang_count = count(config('laravellocalization.supportedLocales'));
foreach(LaravelLocalization::getSupportedLanguagesKeys() as $i => $key) {
factory(App\BannerTranslation::class, $lang_count)->create([
'banner_id' => $banner->id,
'locale' => $key,
This results 3 same key rows per translation ('en','en','en','de','de','de','fr','fr','fr') instead of ('en','de','fr'). And because of this it returns a unique contstraint error.
I'm not well acquainted with using factories but looking at you're and checking the docs, your problem is with the second parameter in factory(App\BannerTranslation::class, $lang_count)
. You're already looping through LaravelLocalization::getSupportedLanguagesKeys()
and in for each one you're creating 3 records.
Give this a try:
$banners = factory(App\Banner::class, 5)->create()->each(function ($banner) {
foreach(LaravelLocalization::getSupportedLanguagesKeys() as $i => $key) {
'banner_id' => $banner->id,
'locale' => $key,