
Wider points cuxfilter / Datashader scatter?

How can I get wider points to display in this datashader.scatter plot of cuxfilter? Or less whitespace between columns? This is a scatter plot of passenger_count (x) vs tip_amount (y) on some TLC yellow cab trip data.

How to make the points in chart_2 wider?

The goal is to have something similar to this next chart which is representing the same thing with holoviews.Scatter:

Desired outcome to look similar to this.


  • Did you have a look at the Heatmap chart(https://docs.rapids.ai/api/cuxfilter/stable/charts/datashader_charts.html#heat-map-chart)?

    You can control shape of the point using the point_shape attribute(circle, square, rect_vertical, rect_horizontal), and point_size attribute.