
How to call littler without sourcing ~/.Rprofile?

It seems that when I call littler from the command line, it will source ~/.Rprofile. Is there a way to prevent it from sourcing ~/.Rprofile?


  • It goes both ways---that we are now reading ~/.Rprofile is in large part due to users who wanted this feature, as opposed to you not wanting it :)

    But there is a (simple and easy) fix: use interactive(). Witness:

    edd@rob:~$ r -e 'print(interactive())'
    [1] FALSE
    edd@rob:~$ r -i -e 'print(interactive())'
    Please do not apply R like a magic answers box, because you can mislead
    others and cause harm.
       -- Jeff Newmiller (about how much statistical knowledge is needed 
          for using R)
          R-help (May 2016)
    [1] TRUE

    So what happened here? First, we tested interactive(). It came back FALSE. This is the default. Nothing happened.

    Second, I added the -i switch to enfore interactive mode. It printed TRUE, but more. Why?

    Well my ~/.Rprofile in essence looks like this

       ## header with a few constant settings, mostly to options()
       ## TZ setting and related
       local({     # start of large block, see Rprofile.site
       if (interactive()) {
          if (requireNamespace("fortunes", quietly=TRUE)) {
             #more stuff

    and that governs my interactive R sessions on the console, in Emacs/ESS, in RStudio, and my non-interactive r calls from, say, crontab.

    So in short: yes, it is always read. But yes, you can also skip parts you do not want executed.