
How to call a class only the first time i access an iOS app

I want to create database when i access the app for the first time.

As you know, Swift has an AppDelegate.swift class with @UIApplicationMain, and it means main() class.

If i want to create database when i first access the app and not the next time i access it, what should i do?

Can i change the AppDelegate.swift? (i don't know it's good way)

Or use flag? (i think whenever i access the app, that flag will initialize... should i save the flag in the local database??? but that time, there will be no database...)

In addition, I'm using Sqlite.swift.

if you need my codes to understand question, comment me!


  • simple solution to know if app already launched:

    let alreadyLaunched = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "AppLauch")
    if !alreadyLaunched {
        // setup everything needed
        UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "AppLauch")

    You're completely right, put it in AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions before returning.

    NOTE: this method does not guarantee your database complete setup (check your database API related methods to get sure), just tells this app launched before or not.