Used Uppy XHR Upload. Docs: How to add custom post fields in Uppy XHR request?
My params are:
endpoint: '/?test1=test2',
formData: true,
method: 'post',
fieldName: 'files[]',
// metaFields: [{ cmd: 'test1', name2: 'test2' }],
metaFields: [
['command', 'myvalue']
It is need to add my additional "post" fields for server, but test1=test2 are "get" params, 'command' and 'myvalue' - params without values (only keys are send via XHR). How to add "post" params and it`s values in Uppy XHR (or other uppy plugins, if in XHR not available)?
You should use meta in Uppy.Core to pass post parameters with values. Eg:
meta: {
professional_id: professional_id,
client_id: client_id,
post_id: post_id,
proposal_id: proposal_id,
folder_id: folder_id,
version_no: version_no