I am pretty happy to say I think I have my first coin flip problem running. I am counting how many times it takes to get all heads or all tails in a trial of 7 flips. In theory it should take around 64 times to get either all heads or all tails.
coin.counter = 0 ## initialize global counting variable
heads.tails = 0 ## initialize global variable
while(heads.tails != 7|0){ ## do while not 7 or 0
heads.tails = rbinom(1,7,.5) ## 1 trial, 7 flips
if(heads.tails != 7|0) ### NOT equal to 0 or 7
coin.counter = coin.counter + 1
Unfortunately, I think that I am only getting one value because as I continue to run this script I keep getting coin.counter values in the mid 100s.
What can I try to fix this?
Solution to the issue was to set the Heads.tails to NOT 0. Each time I added 0 to the loops as decision criteria the program instantly stopped because the variable was then already 0. I'm not a smart person but I try hard.
Posting the solution and hopefully it helps someone else down the line.
coin.counter = 0
### This was globally set to 0 and consistently shorting my program
heads.tails = 10 ## <- Set to dummy value so it quits messing with me
while(heads.tails != 7 & heads.tails != 0){ ## Courtesy 2revans and MrFlick
heads.tails = rbinom(1,7,.5) ## 1 trial, 7 flips
if(heads.tails != 7 & heads.tails != 0){
coin.counter = coin.counter + 1 ### NOT equal to 0 or 7
else {