
Upgraded Rails to 6, getting Blocked host Error

I needed the new function in ActiveStorage to resize_to_fill so I upgraded to Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 6.

ruby '2.5.1'

gem "rails", github: "rails/rails"

When I stopped, then restarted my server (Cloud 9), I received the below Rails error:

Blocked host:
To allow requests to, add the following configuration:

Rails.application.config.hosts << ""

I've tried restarting, new windows, but nothing worked. I've never seen this error before. I'm guessing the new version of Rails is doing something?


  • I added Rails.application.config.hosts << "" to config/application.rb and it fixed my test app fine. Then I did it to my real app and it also worked. The problem is, Devise threw an error as well, which apparently won't be fixed until at least Rails 6 beta. I guess I'm going back to Carrierwave for my image sizing needs until ActiveStorage is more mature.