
Curator LeaderLatch EOFException on shutdown

We use LeaderLatch to select leader on my cluster.

we use it like this:

leaderLatch.addListener(new LeaderLatchListener() {

                                    public void isLeader() {
                                      // create leader tasks runner

                                    public void notLeader() {
                                        // shutdown leader tasks runner


We also have a graceful shutdown process:


now, the problem is when I shutdown a non-leader instance, the await() method throws a EOFException.

This is the code from LeaderLatch itself:

public void await() throws InterruptedException, EOFException
            while ( (state.get() == State.STARTED) && !hasLeadership.get() )
        if ( state.get() != State.STARTED )
            throw new EOFException();

since I have closed it - the state is not STARTED but CLOSED so empty EOFException is thrown.

Is there a better way?

We use curator-recepies-4.2.0

Regards, Ido


  • The contract for await() is to not return until it owns the lock. It has no way of indicating that you don't own the lock other than to throw an exception. I suggest you use the version of await that takes a timeout and returns a boolean. You can then close the lock and check the result of await(). Do this in a loop if you want.