
PowerShell. Group-object usage in one file

I am trying to combine several rows into one, provided that the key cell is the same. And write data from all lines with the same key to the final line.

Example Pic


ID      |  Name |  DateTime            | Duration |     Call_Type   |
1234509 |  Mike | 2020-01-02T01:22:33  |          |     Start_Call  |
1234509 |       | 2020-01-02T01:32:33  |  600     |     End_call    | 


ID      |  Name |  DateTime            | Duration |     Start_Call     |  End_call             | 
1234509 |  Mike |  2020-01-02T01:22:33 |     600  |2020-01-02T01:22:33 |  2020-01-02T01:32:33  |





How to use here

$csv | Group-Object ID  

and get the data as in the picture?


  • After grouping by ID with Group-Object, you can iterate each group and create a new System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject with the properties you want to export in your output CSV file.

    For ID we simply use the grouping key. Name and Duration we choose the first object that doesn't have a $null or empty version of that property using System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(). For Start_Call and End_Call we choose the object that has those values for the Call_Type property.

    The filtering is done by Where-Object. To get the first and expanded versions of the properties, we also use -First and -ExpandProperty from Select-Object.

    $csv = Import-Csv -Path .\data.csv -Delimiter ";"
    $groups = $csv | Group-Object -Property ID
    & {
        foreach ($group in $groups)
                ID = $group.Name
                Name = $group.Group | Where-Object {-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Name)} | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Name
                Duration = $group.Group | Where-Object {-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Duration)} | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Duration
                Start_Call = $group.Group | Where-Object {$_.Call_Type -eq "Start_Call"} | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DateTime
                End_Call = $group.Group | Where-Object {$_.Call_Type -eq "End_Call"} | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DateTime
    } | Export-Csv -Path .\output.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation



    If you want to remove quotes from the CSV file, you can use the -UseQuotes switch from Export-Csv. However, yhis does require PowerShell 7. If your using a lower PowerShell version, you can use some of the recommendations from How to remove all quotations mark in the csv file using powershell script?.