
How to get Oracle C++ Call interface (OCCI) working on Visual Studio?

I'm learning and using oracle with SQL. I've created a database with OracleSQLDeveloper and now I'm trying to have access within a project writed in C++.

I've been searching and I've found that Oracle has Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) and using this I can achieve what I want.

My question is, somone know's what exactly do I need to do to get OCCI working on Visual Studio? I can't get it working at all and I've spend so much time.

Hope somone can help me, thanks!

PD: Sorry for my english :)


  • Below is the compilation script for OCCI application on Linux machine it will be more or less same on windows.

    g++ someSourceFiles.cpp -o out -I$INC_DIR -I$ORACLE_HOME/lib -I$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -I$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public -L$ORACLE_HOME/lib -locci -lclntsh -lnnz12 -lons -lclntshcore

    Here $ORACLE_HOME is a environment variable mostly set in PATH variable if you are using Windows and bash_profile if you are using Linux.

    Normally it points to the ORACLE home directory

    Below two points to the paths where header files required for OCCI implementation are present.


    Below are dynamically linked shared libraries required to access OCCI methods

    -locci -lclntsh -lnnz12 -lons -lclntshcore

    Below is the path where shared libraries are present.


    Now your are trying to implement these on Visual studio you need to configure above explained variables in your project settings in visual studio to compile them.

    NOTE: In your case shared libraries will be of .dll form as it is windows.