I've generated classes using wsdl2java on a wsdl, the service interface looks like this
@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://www.sii.example.it/SWG1", name = "SWG1")
@XmlSeeAlso({it.au.switchgas.swg1.messaggio.ObjectFactory.class, it.au.switchgas.swg1.strutturegenerali.ObjectFactory.class, it.au.switchgas.strutturegas.ObjectFactory.class, it.au.switchgas.swg1.flussi.ObjectFactory.class})
@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
public interface SWG1 {
@WebMethod(operationName = "SWG1.0050", action = "SWG1.0050")
@WebResult(name = "MessaggioSII", targetNamespace = "http://www.sii.example.it/SWG1", partName = "MessaggioSII")
public it.au.switchgas.swg1.messaggio.AmmissibilitaRichiestaMessaggioSIIType swg10050(
@WebParam(partName = "MessaggioSII", name = "MessaggioSII")
it.au.switchgas.swg1.messaggio.RichiestaSwitchingMessaggioSIIType messaggioSII
the generated request is like this
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns1:SWG1.0050 xmlns:ns1="http://www.sii.example.it/SWG1">
<ns5:RichiestaSII xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns5:RichiestaSwitchingRichiestaSIIType">
<ns5:DatiSII xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns5:RichiestaSwitchingDatiSIIType">
the server (which I can not modify in any way) rejects the requests complaining about the missing xsi:type
of the MessaggioSII
element and requires this syntax
<MessaggioSII xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns5:RichiestaSwitchingDatiSIIType"
Is there any way to force CXF/JAXB to write the xsi:type attribute? I've looked at cxf documentation for transformations, sadly it's not very clear. I'd rather not modify the generated classes but I'm open to it.
as a workaround I've added this attribute
@XmlAttribute(name = "type", namespace = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI)
private String xsiType = "ns5:RichiestaSwitchingMessaggioSIIType";
which does work but it's especially fragile since it relies on me knowing at build time the namespace alias that will be generated.
A better way would be modify the soap body in a outbound interceptor, see How To Modify The Raw XML message of an Outbound CXF Request? or howto modify a webservice request using CXF interceptors with org.w3c.dom.Node
By the way, adding the annotation @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.OUT)
to the service seems to cause the client to add the xsi:type information automatically. WTF.