I'am new to hive and i want to implement the following query
select a.controlid,
b.name as campaign,
a.controlactivityid as activitysource,
c.code as codemyaprc,
c.label_en as label_en,
c.label_fr as label_fr
from bo_h_control.bridgeactivity a
join suvh_econtrol.TMP_GPS_REF b ON a.controlcampaignid =
left join srv_h_a8460_fpc.activity c
ON a.controlactivityid=c.code
and c.date_creation= select
max(date_creation) from srv_h_a8460_fpc.activity
It works fine untill the last left join. Nested queries are obviously not authorized in hive.
How can i approach this.
Use sub-query instead of joined table:
select a.controlid,
b.name as campaign,
a.controlactivityid as activitysource,
c.code as codemyaprc,
c.label_en as label_en,
c.label_fr as label_fr
from bo_h_control.bridgeactivity a
join suvh_econtrol.TMP_GPS_REF b ON a.controlcampaignid =
left join (select c.*, max(date_creation) over() as max_date_creation
from srv_h_a8460_fpc.activity c
) c ON a.controlactivityid=c.code
and c.date_creation=c.max_date_creation
Or better move last join condition inside the WHERE clause in the subquery:
select a.controlid,
b.name as campaign,
a.controlactivityid as activitysource,
c.code as codemyaprc,
c.label_en as label_en,
c.label_fr as label_fr
from bo_h_control.bridgeactivity a
join suvh_econtrol.TMP_GPS_REF b ON a.controlcampaignid =
left join (select * from
select c.*, max(date_creation) over() as max_date_creation
from srv_h_a8460_fpc.activity c
)c where max_date_creation=date_creation
) c ON a.controlactivityid=c.code