Is there any in-built way in pydantic to specify options? For example, let's say I want a string value that must either have the value "foo" or "bar".
I know I can use regex validation to do this, but since I use pydantic with FastAPI, the users will only see the required input as a string, but when they enter something, it will give a validation error. All in-built validations of pydantic are displayed in the api interface, so would be great if there was something like
class Input(BaseModel):
option: "foo" || "bar"
Yes, you can either use an enum:
class Choices(Enum):
foo = 'foo'
bar = 'bar'
class Input(BaseModel):
option: Choices
see here
Or you can use Literal
from typing import Literal
class Input(BaseModel):
option: Literal['foo', 'bar']
see here