
ADOQuery.Locate Slow, Create Index

I have following line to Locate a row in a Query .

if Query.Locate('Line;Hour;Minute',VarArrayOf([Line-400,AHour,minuteof(Start)]),[]) = true then

This is slow, now I remember that one can add Indexes to the Query so that the Locate itself is multiple times faster. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the example.

Can someone please help me out? Regards Robert


  • Interesting q.

    Update please see update below.

    I set up some test data on my SS2014 Sql Server to run some tests using code like this:

    ID := 1;
    for Line := 1 to 1000 do begin
      for AHour := 1 to 24 do begin
        for AMinute := 1 to 60 do begin
          AdoQuery1.InsertRecord([ID, Line, AHour, AMinute]);

    Then, I ran some tests like this one

    procedure TForm1.LocateTest1(DisableControls, UseSort : Boolean);
      T1 : Integer;
      AMinute : Integer;
      AdoQuery1.Sql.Text := 'select * from linetest order by line, ahour, aminute';
      AdoQuery1.CursorLocation := clUseClient;
      T1 := GettickCount;
      if DisableControls then
      if UseSort then
        AdoQuery1.Recordset.Sort := 'Line,AHour,AMinute';
      Line := 1000;
      AHour := 23;
          for AMinute := 60 downto 1 do begin
            if not AdoQuery1.Locate('Line;AHour;AMinute', VarArrayOf([Line, AHour, AMinute]), []) then
              Caption := Format('Locate failed %d %d %d', [Line, AHour, AMinute]);
      Memo1.Lines.Add('Test1 : ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - T1));
      if DisableControls then

    The reason for involving Disable/EnableControls was because of the results I reported here Why does scrolling through ADOTable get slower and slower? , that calling DisableControls has a huge impact on scrolling speed even if there are no db-aware controls involved.

    However, it seems that scrolling does not make a major impact on executing Locate() on a TAdoQuery, because calling DisableControls only took about 1.5 seconds of the recorded time of around 26 seconds. Obviously, TAdoQuery.Locate doesn't perform at all well with a large number of rows.

    The idea of the UseSort parameter was to see if sorting the RecordSet behind the AdoQuery made any difference to the speed, but it didn't, the reason being that Locate calls TCustomAdoDataSet.LocateRecord which uses Sort anyway.

    You mentioned adding indexes. Unfortunately, TAdoQuery only supports use of server-side indexes in executing thq SQL query, not locating records in the retrieved result set. You can add client-side indexes to TAdoTable, but according to a test similar to the one above, rather to my surprise, they make virtually no difference to the speed of Locate().

    So, given my results so far, it would seem very possibly quicker to use a parameterised SELECT to retrieve only the row currently of interest, rather than trying to Locate it in a large tesult set. Alterantaivel, you could retrieve the result set into a ClientDataSer via a DatasetProvider or into a FireDAC FDMemTable, etc. Ymmv, it depends on what you're doing exactly ...

    Update Since posting my original answer, I have a couple of further updates that it might be useful to include.

    Using FDQuery.Locate

    procedure TForm2.LocateTest;
      T1 : Integer;
      AMinute : Integer;
      FDQuery1.Sql.Text := 'select * from linetest order by line, ahour desc, aminute desc';
      //FDQuery1.CursorLocation := clUseClient;
      FDQuery1.CursorKind := ckForwardOnly;
      T1 := GettickCount;
      Line := 1000;
      AHour := 1;
      for AMinute := 1 to 60 do begin
        if not FDQuery1.Locate('Line;AHour;AMinute', VarArrayOf([Line, AHour, AMinute]), []) then
          Caption := Format('Locate failed %d %d %d', [Line, AHour, AMinute]);
      Memo1.Lines.Add('Test1 : ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - T1));