
Conversion errors from Swift 3.0 to Swift 4.2 at QRCodeReader.Swift

When I tried to Convert Swift 3.0 to Swift 4.2 from Xcode 10.1,I got error at QRCodeReader

Error is

enter image description here

What I need to do to fix this issue? After update to pod 'QRCodeReader.swift', '~> 9.0.0' Error is like below enter image description here


  • You can update the pod to version 9.0.0 for Swift 4.2 support:

    pod 'QRCodeReader.swift', '~> 9.0.0'

    (or if you don't use CocoaPods, just clone https://github.com/yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift/tree/9.0.1)