Getting ActionContext of an action from another

Can I get an ActionContext or ActionDescriptor or something that can describe a specific action based on a route name ?

Having the following controller.

public class Ctrl : ControllerBase
    public ActionResult Get() { ... }

    [HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetUser")]
    public ActionResult Get(int id) { ... }

What I want to do is when "Get" is invoked, to be able to have access to "GetUser" metadata like verb, route parameters , etc

Something like

ActionContext/Description/Metadata info = somerService.Get(routeName : "GetUser")


ActionContext/Description/Metadata info = somerService["GetUser"];

something in this idea.


  • There is a nuget package, AspNetCore.RouteAnalyzer, that may provide what you want. It exposes strings for the HTTP verb, mvc area, path and invocation.

    Internally it uses ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider to get at that information:

               List<RouteInformation> ret = new List<RouteInformation>();
                var routes = m_actionDescriptorCollectionProvider.ActionDescriptors.Items;
                foreach (ActionDescriptor _e in routes)
                    RouteInformation info = new RouteInformation();
                    // Area
                    if (_e.RouteValues.ContainsKey("area"))
                        info.Area = _e.RouteValues["area"];
                    // Path and Invocation of Razor Pages
                    if (_e is PageActionDescriptor)
                        var e = _e as PageActionDescriptor;
                        info.Path = e.ViewEnginePath;
                        info.Invocation = e.RelativePath;
                    // Path of Route Attribute
                    if (_e.AttributeRouteInfo != null)
                        var e = _e;
                        info.Path = $"/{e.AttributeRouteInfo.Template}";
                    // Path and Invocation of Controller/Action
                    if (_e is ControllerActionDescriptor)
                        var e = _e as ControllerActionDescriptor;
                        if (info.Path == "")
                            info.Path = $"/{e.ControllerName}/{e.ActionName}";
                        info.Invocation = $"{e.ControllerName}Controller.{e.ActionName}";
                    // Extract HTTP Verb
                    if (_e.ActionConstraints != null && _e.ActionConstraints.Select(t => t.GetType()).Contains(typeof(HttpMethodActionConstraint)))
                        HttpMethodActionConstraint httpMethodAction = 
                            _e.ActionConstraints.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetType() == typeof(HttpMethodActionConstraint)) as HttpMethodActionConstraint;
                        if(httpMethodAction != null)
                            info.HttpMethod = string.Join(",", httpMethodAction.HttpMethods);
                    // Special controller path
                    if (info.Path == "/RouteAnalyzer_Main/ShowAllRoutes")
                        info.Path = RouteAnalyzerRouteBuilderExtensions.RouteAnalyzerUrlPath;
                    // Additional information of invocation
                    info.Invocation += $" ({_e.DisplayName})";
                    // Generating List
                // Result
                return ret;