There is no difference in appearance when FAB is disabled or enabled. How can I achieve a different look and feel for enabled and disabled FAB via xml?
I was able to have different look and feel for FAB. The steps I took are -
1) Created a drawable custom_fab.xml at /res/drawable with following content:
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/fab_disabled"
android:state_enabled="false" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/fab_enabled"
android:state_enabled="true" />
This is to have different image for enabled and disabled state.
2) Created a color selector custom_fab_color.xml at /res/color with following content:
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:color="@color/colorFabDisabled"
android:state_enabled="false" />
<item android:color="@color/colorFabEnabled" android:state_enabled="true" />
This is to have different background color for enabled and disabled state of FAB.
3) Added desired color for enabled and disabled state in res/values/colors.xml
<color name="colorFabEnabled">#03DAC5</color>
<color name="colorFabDisabled">#6DABF9</color>>
4) Updated xml file where FAB is defined. Pointed the src and backgroundTint to the new drawable and color selector.
android:src="@drawable/custom_fab" />