
How to setup manual fail over (PROD to DR) in IKS?

We have two IBM kubernetes cluster whenever issue happens in one cluster we need to failover to DR. Can anyone tell me how to do that automatically ? both cluster present in two different zones Montreal & torento. Also we have IBM Cloud internet service.


  • You could use the CIS service Global Load Balancer offering to set up a globally load-balanced and health-checked URL for your applications. You'd create a GLB for domain app.mydomain.com/app_path for example and then back it with the VIPs for your cluster ALBs in the same origin pool. Configure a health check at the GLB so traffic will be sent to the available endpoints that are healthy.

    CIS GLB docs are covered at https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cis?topic=cis-global-load-balancer-glb-concepts