I want to check how many active meetings there are on the BBB server at any one time from the command line. I have tried
$ bbb-conf --network
but not getting anywhere. I have also checked the number of active connections to port 80 and 443
$ netstat -anp | grep :443 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
but I'm not sure if I can trust that figure.
I know I can use the isMeetingRunning
call from the API but I'm just looking for command line.
Any ideas would be appreciated
The following bash script, which can be run from command line on the same machine as the BigBlueButton server, will process the response to the BBB API getMeetings
X=$( bbb-conf --secret | fgrep URL: )
APIEndPoint=${X##* }
Y=$( bbb-conf --secret | fgrep Secret: )
Secret=${Y##* }
Checksum=$( echo -n $S | sha1sum | cut -f 1 -d ' ' )
if [[ "$APIQueryString" == "" ]]
wget -q -O - "$URL" | grep -o '<meetingID>' | wc -w
Tested on a live BBB machine.
The APICallName
and APIQueryString
can be modified to provide interface to other BBB API calls. See https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html
The command-line sha1sum
will output a different result if a newline is appended to its input. This is the reason echo -n
is used instead of echo
In the last line, the script processes the XML output from the API call in a very naïve way, simply counting the number of occurences of the <meetingID>
tag. More elaborate processing would probably require parsing the XML.