
AWS DynamoDB Transact Write using IN operator on Array

I am working on one query where I need to use TrasactWrite of dynamoDB and perform update query on one of my table.

Scenario is I am having array of unique IDs and I need to perform same update operation on each ID in array and change one flag in table without using Loop or map.

But I am having difficulty in finding example or docs related to how do I use IN operator on IDs which are primary keys in a Key parameter of transactWrite.

Here is my sample code:

let IDs = await find('table', { type: 'some_type' }, 'type-index}
let params = {
                TransactItems: [{
                    Update: {
                        TableName: 'table',
                        Key: '#_id IN :IDs,
                        UpdateExpression: 'set #flag = :flag',
                        ExpressionAttributeNames: {
                            '#flag': 'flag',
                            '#_id': '_id'
                        ExpressionAttributeValues: {
                            ':flag': false,
                            ":IDs": IDs

Already tried: Answer Its not same question as mine

I will answer if anyone has any question. Any help will be really helpful. Thank you


  • You can't use IN operator in this case - Update. With update operator you have to put key value to Update object. A key includes partitionKey and sortKey, I think in your case, you just set partitionKey.

    To update more than one item by ID, you can put many Update object to TransactItems.

    let IDs = await find('table', { type: 'some_type' }, 'type-index');
    let params = {
      TransactItems: [], // init empty array
    IDs.forEach((ID) => {// loop though IDs array
        Update: {
          TableName: 'table',
          Key: {
            '_id': ID, // ID value
          UpdateExpression: 'set #flag = :flag',
          ExpressionAttributeNames: {
            '#flag': 'flag',
            // '#_id': '_id' // remove this line
          ExpressionAttributeValues: {
            ':flag': false,
            // ":IDs": IDs // remove this line
    // await client.transactWrite(params).promise()