what I am trying to achieve is to have different sections in a ListView
that may or may not have the footer or header text visible. Since the Section
is strictly typed to have a footer or a header or both or none I have to go through all cases to create the section like in the code below. The issue I am having is that the body
gives the error Function declares an opaque return type, but the return statement in its body do not have matching underlying types
, so from my understanding it would like to have a unique return type I think which is not the case that I want. I am new to SwiftUI
and I'm not sure how to correct the issue in this case. Also returning nil
in the last case complains that 'nil' requires a contextual type
. Thank you!
struct CMGeneralSettingsSectionView: View {
@Binding var section: CMGeneralSettingsSection
var body: some View {
if let headerTitle = section.headerTitle {
if let footerTitle = section.footerTitle {
return Section(header: Text(headerTitle),
footer: Text(footerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
return Section(header: Text(headerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
if let footerTitle = section.footerTitle {
return Section(footer: Text(footerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
return nil
Make your body
view builder and return EmptyView
instead of nil, which is not allowed due to non optional some View
return type.
Here is fixed variant
struct CMGeneralSettingsSectionView: View {
@Binding var section: CMGeneralSettingsSection
var body: some View {
if let headerTitle = section.headerTitle {
if let footerTitle = section.footerTitle {
return Section(header: Text(headerTitle),
footer: Text(footerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
return Section(header: Text(headerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
if let footerTitle = section.footerTitle {
return Section(footer: Text(footerTitle)) {
return Text("")
} else {
return EmptyView()