
Cannot find in-place operation causing "RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation:"

I'm relatively new to PyTorch and am trying to reproduce an algorithm from an academic paper that approximates a term using the Hessian matrix. I've set up a toy problem so that I can compare the results of the full Hessian with the approximation. I found this gist and have been playing with it to compute the full Hessian part of the algorithm.

I am getting the error: "RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation."

I've scoured through the simple example code, documentation, and many, many forum posts about this issue and cannot find any in-place operations. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is my code:

import torch
import torch.autograd as autograd
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np

torch.set_printoptions(precision=20, linewidth=180)

def jacobian(y, x, create_graph=False):
    jac = []
    flat_y = y.reshape(-1)     
    grad_y = torch.zeros_like(flat_y)     

    for i in range(len(flat_y)):         
        grad_y[i] = 1.
        grad_x, = torch.autograd.grad(flat_y, x, grad_y, retain_graph=True, create_graph=create_graph)
        grad_y[i] = 0.
    return torch.stack(jac).reshape(y.shape + x.shape)           

def hessian(y, x):
    return jacobian(jacobian(y, x, create_graph=True), x)                                             

def f(x):                                                                                             
    return x * x


num_dims = 2
num_samples = 3

X = [np.random.uniform(size=num_dims) for i in range(num_samples)]
print('X: \n{}\n\n'.format(X))

mean = torch.Tensor(np.mean(X, axis=0))
mean.requires_grad = True
print('mean: \n{}\n\n'.format(mean))

cov = torch.Tensor(np.cov(X, rowvar=False))
print('cov: \n{}\n\n'.format(cov))

with autograd.detect_anomaly():
    hessian_matrices = hessian(f(mean), mean)
    print('hessian: \n{}\n\n'.format(hessian_matrices))

And here is the output with the stack trace:

[array([0.81700949, 0.17141617]), array([0.53579366, 0.31141496]), array([0.49756485, 0.97495776])]

tensor([0.61678934097290039062, 0.48592963814735412598], requires_grad=True)

tensor([[ 0.03043144382536411285, -0.05357056483626365662],
        [-0.05357056483626365662,  0.18426130712032318115]])

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-5a1c492d2873> in <module>()
     43 with autograd.detect_anomaly():
---> 44     hessian_matrices = hessian(f(mean), mean)
     45     print('hessian: \n{}\n\n'.format(hessian_matrices))

2 frames
<ipython-input-3-5a1c492d2873> in hessian(y, x)
     22 def hessian(y, x):
---> 23     return jacobian(jacobian(y, x, create_graph=True), x)
     25 def f(x):

<ipython-input-3-5a1c492d2873> in jacobian(y, x, create_graph)
     15     for i in range(len(flat_y)):
     16         grad_y[i] = 1.
---> 17         grad_x, = torch.autograd.grad(flat_y, x, grad_y, retain_graph=True, create_graph=create_graph)
     18         jac.append(grad_x.reshape(x.shape))
     19         grad_y[i] = 0.

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/autograd/ in grad(outputs, inputs, grad_outputs, retain_graph, create_graph, only_inputs, allow_unused)
    155     return Variable._execution_engine.run_backward(
    156         outputs, grad_outputs, retain_graph, create_graph,
--> 157         inputs, allow_unused)

RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.FloatTensor [2]] is at version 4; expected version 3 instead. Hint: the backtrace further above shows the operation that failed to compute its gradient. The variable in question was changed in there or anywhere later. Good luck!


  • I sincerely thought this was a bug in PyTorch, but after posting a bug, I got a good answer from albanD. He also pointed out that is available for asking questions.

    The problem arises because we traverse the computation graph several times again and again. Exactly what is going on here is beyond me though...

    The in place edit that your error message refers to are the obvious ones: grad_y[i] = 1. and grad_y[i] = 0.. Resuing grad_y over and over again in the computation is what causes trouble. Redefining jacobian(...) as below works for me.

    def jacobian(y, x, create_graph=False):
        jac = []
        flat_y = y.reshape(-1)
        for i in range(len(flat_y)):
            grad_y = torch.zeros_like(flat_y)
            grad_y[i] = 1.
            grad_x, = torch.autograd.grad(flat_y, x, grad_y, retain_graph=True, create_graph=create_graph)
        return torch.stack(jac).reshape(y.shape + x.shape)

    An alternative, that works, but is more like black magic to me is leaving jacobian(...) as it is, and instead redefine f(x) to

    def f(x):
        return x * x * 1

    That works too.